The product is zamak metak antique silver plated.
It is produced by hand workmanship.
. It is one of the accessories that make a difference at henna nights and special events.
. In order for the products to be used for a long time without losing their properties, contact with perfume, water and liquid chemicals should be avoided.
All products in this collection have Nickel/Free features.
It has anti-allergic properties.
Product Dimension Information: 25 cm diameter.
Total weight is 225g.
Made in Turkey.
It is shipped in a box.
Stock code:LBKDNSCZNCR8682712021720
Materiel:Antique Silver Plated
Body:One Size
Age group:Adult
Theme:Special days
Transparent, smooth stockings are an absolute classic in every woman's wardrobe. Worn by women for ages, they are still in fashion. Finished with beautiful lace, they are characterized by sensuality and elegance. They will provide comfort and certainty that they will not slip off your feet. Perfect not only for dates, they will give you confidence and style, beautifully emphasizing the shape of the legs.
Sandy, grossiste cadeaux pas cher vous propose ce contenant, décor lapin, qui fera fureur chez les confiseurs et chocolatiers.
Our nowadays lifestyle and its rather fast pace presents a sort of challenge to our eyesight. We expose our eyes to a number of negative factors. The most dangerous to eyesight are UV radiation and excess blue light emitted by screens of electronic devices. We have developed an effective way to transform these types of harmful wavelenghts of light into harmonized and beneficial radiation. This is possible thanks to special lenses in our eyewear that use the extraordinary properties of Fullerene C60 molecules. These lightweight eyeglasses resistant to fogging and scratching, are also covered with an anti-reflective coating. Hyperlight Eyewear computer glasses will allow you to safely take full advantage of the beneficial properties of the light reaching your eyes. When outside you will gain protection against harmful UV light, and while working - greater comfort, increased focus, memory and efficiency.
Item code:HE-ROMZ
Product name:ROME ZEBRA for women, indoor
Gross weight [KG]:0.266
Net weight [KG]:0.019
Made in:Italy
Warranty:2 years
Suitable for use indoors:Yes
Dimensions:54x16x135 mm
Die binokulare Laserlupenbrille F27.P1L09.1231 ist besonders für UV, Blau, 808nm und Nd:YAG-Laser geeignet und ist damit speziell für Medizinlaser konzipiert.
Dal 1988 la DIMODA disegna, produce(CADORE – BL) e commercializza i suoi occhiali 100% MADE IN ITALY in tutto il mondo. Principalmente in Germania, Scandinavia, Giappone, etc
Il design unico, i materiali di ottima qualità e la fama conquistata hanno permesso negli anni di mantenere un segmento di mercato composto da Clienti estremamente esigenti…come te.
La maggior parte dei modelli sono con le aste FLEX. Ovviamente con meccanismo Made in Italy (IDEAL o simile), Tedesco (OBE) o Svizzero (Chevassus).
Per visionare i modelli dovrai contattarmi e, a seconda delle tue esigenze, vedrò di consigliarti su quale modello/caratteristica orientarti e ti invierò immagini dei modelli che riterrò più idonei. Gradita una tua foto.
Qui vedrai solo una piccola parte della collezione che è composta da 120 modelli in più colori (Donna, Uomo, Bambino), in materiali differenti (Acciao,Monel, Legno, Acetato di cellulosa, etc)
Ho prodotto anche una collezione in ORO 18 kt + pietre preziose visibile Vis a vis
5 farklı renkte jartiyer takımları ve çorapları. İstediğiniz miktarda üretim sağlayabiliriz. S/M ve L/XL bedenleri stoklarda. Detaylı bilgi için lütfen bize ulaşın.
Soft Silk Lashes , feine Volumenwimpern.
Fibre´ Silk Volumenwimpern sind besonders weich und einfach zu fächern !!!
Die Wimpern werden aus Polymeren und Mikrofasern gewonnen, die die gleichen Eigenschaften besitzen wie das natürliche Haar & komplett Hypoallergen . Es gibt 3 verschiedene verfügbare Stärke in 0.03/ 0.05/ 0.07 , damit Sie flexible nach Wunsch des Kunden die Wimpen natürlich oder ausdrucksstark kreieren können .
Wir empfehlen für 2D-5D Fächer mit Stärke 0.07 , 6D-10D Fächer mit Stärke 0.05 , Megavolume ab 15D Fächer mit Stärke 0.03 und je nachdem wie gesund die Naturwimpern des Kunden sind , um die beste Haftung der Extension zu erschaffen.
Protection simple des Agents de travaux sur voies ( Cas de circulation à vitesse très réduite) Outillage de secours et de dépannage.
AVANTAGES : Matériel économique, léger et efficace - Corps en laiton - Réf. 1038
- Cornet Ø 130 mm
- Longueur totale = 340 mm
- Avec 2 anneaux de fixation - Poids net = 0,3 Kg
Nota : Cette trompe-corps est obligatoire pour tout surveillant de travaux sur la voie, même avec l'utilisation des avertisseurs de chantier.
OPTIONS : - Rechange = embout chromé avec lame vibrante - Réf. 1038-E
Sichtschutzfolien können auf allen Glasflächen ganz-oder teilflächig aufgebracht werden.
Sichtschutz an einem Fenster schützt vor unerwünschten Einblicken z.B. im Badezimmer, in der Küche, im Schlafzimmer oder im Flur. Auch im gewerblichen Bereich wie z.B. im Büro, in der Praxis oder Gastronomie finden unsere Folien ideale Anwendungsmöglichkeiten.
Sie können aus unterschiedlichen Folienfarben mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften wählen.
Wimpernverlängerungen sind kosmetische Behandlungen, die die natürlichen Wimpern verlängern, schwingen, fülliger machen und verdichten. Bei der Herstellung von Wimpernverlängerungen werden zahlreiche Materialien wie Nerz, Seide, Synthetik- oder Echthaar verwendet. Die gängigste Methode zur Anbringung von Wimpernverlängerungen ist das Aufkleben mit Cyanoacrylat. Diese Verlängerungen werden 1-2 mm vom Ansatz der natürlichen Wimper entfernt angebracht und sollten niemals die Augenlider berühren.
Róża Rufina is available in black-claret colour and includes stockingss, shirt, push up bra, soft bra, classic briefs and string.
Push Up bra: 70ABCD, 75ABCD, 80ABCD, 85ABCD
Soft Bra: 70CD, 75BCD, 80BCD, 85BCD
Classic Briefs; String; Shirt: S, M, L, XL
Stockingss: S/M. L/XL
Il suffit de les retirer de leur boitier et de les coller ! Vous pouvez vous aider de notre Applicateur faux-cils.
Après les avoir utilisés, lavez-les à l'eau, laissez-les sécher et vous pourrez ensuite les réutiliser !
Jeder dieser Wimpernstränge besteht aus einzel angeordneten Wimpernhärchen mit einem kleinen Klebepunkt.
• unsere Wimpernextension Trays enthalten 16 Stränge
• unsere Wimpernextension sind soft, flexibel und halten ihre Curlung
• unsere Wimpernextensions werden aus quälitativ hochwertigen PBT-Fasern* hergestellt
*PBT-Faser ist ein hochwertiges synthetisches Material.
The products are antique silver plated on brass metal.
It is produced by hand workmanship.
. It is one of the accessories that make a difference at henna nights and special events.
. In order for the products to be used for a long time without losing their properties, contact with perfume, water and liquid chemicals should be avoided.
All products in this collection have Nickel/Free features.
It has anti-allergic properties.
Product Size Information: Band size 24 cm + 30 cm adjustable chain.
Total weight is 154g.
Made in Turkey.
It is shipped in a box.
Stock code:LBKDNPÇ8682712015774
Body:One Size
Materiel:Antique Silver Plated
Age group:Adult
Thigh bands to prevent abrasions and sores. Made of smooth tape, which makes them pleasant to the touch and invisible under clothes. The bands are finished with silicone on the inside, so they stay in place and do not slip off the leg.
The product is zamak metak antique silver plated.
It is handcrafted by combining round shaped pieces.
. It is one of the accessories that make a difference at henna nights and special events.
. In order for the products to be used for a long time without losing their properties, contact with perfume, water and liquid chemicals should be avoided.
All products in this collection have Nickel/Free features.
It has anti-allergic properties.
Product Measurement Information: It is suitable for head size max. 20 cm in diameter and below. The length of the chain on the fringe part is 8 cm, the length of the other parts is 32 cm.
Weight; Total 1050 gr.
You can contact our company for your order requests in different sizes.
Made in Turkey.
It is shipped in a box.
Stock code:LBKDNSCZNCR8682712025087
Body:One Size
Stone Type:without stone
Age group:Adult